Pack Plus Program Suspended
August boxes shipping out this week.
First of all, I want to apologize for shipping August boxes so late. The challenges we have faced over the last few months have been severe. The lack of communication was mainly because I didn't have a lot of answers. We have been trying to solve problems while being met with more problems. The Panini/Fanatics war that made wax both scarce and more expensive did not help. We have gotten everything we need to complete the program. We are hoping to get those boxes out this Saturday.
It is with great sadness that I have to announce that we are suspending the Pack Plus Program for the foreseeable future. The hard reality is that the need and demand for our subscription box has dropped significantly. We have suspended all subscriptions - nobody will be automatically charged in the future. If you have already been charged for September's program, we will be fulfilling that order in August's program, which will ship this weekend.
We randomized the packs today on our YouTube channel, but my understanding is that the video stopped streaming after a minute. I am hoping this a temporary glitch, but it does not seem to be working as of now. That is on par with how this month has gone. I apologize. We will not be able to rerun the randomization as we have already begun the process of preparing to sort and ship.
As for the Golden Ticket promotion, we unfortunately did not sell enough packs to make that giveaway feasible. I am very sorry - I wish it would have worked out.
As for the Fantasy Football leagues, we are not sure what things are going to look like in a few months. We will make sure there are prizes in some capacity. I will be in contact with Brandon Clayton. Please wait for his announcements.
Once we get these boxes shipped out, we are pausing all Brothers In Cards operations as we figure out what is next. This has been a very difficult time for us - we appreciate your patience and understanding.
I cannot thank you enough for all the support many of you have shown me over the years. I do not know what is going to happen in the future, but I know that God is for me and not against me. I trust Him fully as I pursue the best options for my family.
