Calling all YouTubers
We want to build up those who support us. Respond to this email with a link to your YouTube channel!
YouTube was a huge factor in our product bursting to the top of the subscription box game back in 2018. Some of the bigger channels at that time were Timmy G, Jamin JD, and Packers Cards 87. While PC87 is still near the top of the charts with 97,000 subscribers, the other two have stopped creating content. Several other up and coming channels have either stopped creating content or gotten out of the hobby altogether. While some creators have dropped off, others have grown their channels to massive lengths. Packman has over 254,000 subscribers to his channel.

My question to all of you is this: How far do you want your channel to go?
YouTube is something you can monetize. It takes a long time and then it's a slow accumulation after that - but it's something. Our YouTube channel has over 3,000 subscribers and only generates about $4 per month -BUT- the only content we put out is our live streams of our Thursday night breaks. I couldn't tell ya the last time we recorded, edited, and posted an actual video. I'm not sure what the calculator is per subscriber or watch or viewing hour. All I know is that we want to help you grow.
We want to support those that are putting our products in their content pool. We have a platform that we can share with you. A Facebook group with ~2,000 members, an email list with ~ 3,000 subscribers, and an Instagram account with ~17,000 followers. We are open to your ideas. We want to hear your goals. We want to help. Respond to this email with the link to your channel, your goals, and any suggestions or requests you may have. We can't give out any free boxes, but we can support you to the best of our ability to help get you some extra views and subscribers when you're opening our boxes on your channel.
Here is a very well done video from last month's program. Thank you Small Town Rips! Please subscribe to his channel!
Not bad for a silver box. I recommend everyone consider a gold subscription, as our new promo is significant. For every 1,000 packs, we are giving out a Golden Ticket redeemable for your choice at a prize pictured below. Only gold subscription customers will be eligible for the Golden Ticket. There are currently less than 60 active gold subscriptions, so the chance is significant!
