September's Baseball Program
Note: This is not a bounty on a home run ball.
First of all, I want to apologize for not getting this email out before today. I was hoping to get more information before I sent it and that did not happen.
We have had questions about the Topps Chrome debacle.
If you haven't heard, Fanataics announced that they accidentally omitted some of the biggest chases in Topps Chrome. This effects both the regular and jumbo boxes. To make it right, they are giving out silver packs that could potentially have the chase cards in them. We used 2 regular Topps Chrome boxes and 1 jumbo Topps Chrome box in September's program. I have not been able to nail down exactly how many packs I will be getting (if any) since I did not order straight from Topps or a distributor. Whatever we get, everyone will have a chance at them. I will randomize the winners live on our YouTube channel. Each gold box will have 3 entries, each silver 2, and each bronze 1. I have heard they are sending them out on the 30th (tomorrow) but if and when I get them is still unclear.
Baseball's program will be shipping a few days late.
The core feature in this month's baseball program is Bowman Chrome. Our order for all of the Bowman Chrome we needed is out there in USPS purgatory. The sender has agreed to ship more priority and I should have them by Friday. I apologize for the inconvenience and for not getting this message out sooner. Hopefully some absolute bangers are out there marinating!