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October Featured Products

Writer's picture: Matt CiciMatt Cici

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

Brothers In Cards "October 2021" Featured Products

October is in full swing, and there are less than two weeks to order.

And this month, Brothers In Cards will give away a FREE GOLD BOX.

Brothers In Cards - October Due Dates - Earn a Free Gold Box - Pack Plus Program - Oct 1 - What Not, Oct 6 - Blitz Night, Oct 8 - WhatNot, Oct 15 - WhatNot, Oct 17 - Due Date, Oct 27 - Ship Date


October 2021 Pack Plus Program Details:

We've started our Soccer Card Packs in the August program. Check out that announcement here >

Orders Open:

Monday, September 20

Blitz Night:

Friday, October 1

WhatNot Live:

Wednesday, October 6

WhatNot Live:

Friday, October 8

WhatNot Live:

Friday, October 15

October Due Date:

Sunday, October 17

October Ship Date:

Wednesday, October 27

Video Transcript >

What's going on? Pack plus fan, we are already talking about October's program. Can you believe it? Today is actually short day for September's program. We got a lot to do today, but I wanted to stop and get this video out there because we've got some goals that we want to accomplish.

We need your help. We've got a little promotion we're gonna be doing this month for our gold subscription boxes. If we sell 25 new gold subscription boxes, we're gonna give away a free gold box. It's a $255 value. We're just giving away for free.

What needs to happen is we need 25 new gold subscription. Customers that can be any sport. If you already have a gold subscription, don't cancel. Don't restart your subscription. Just go ahead and sit tight, because everybody that has a gold subscription is going to be eligible for that free gold box.

So again, we sell 25 new gold subscriptions. Somebody that has a gold subscription is going to get a free additional box. Again, that's $255 value that we're giving away for free can be part of it, be part of it. It's going to be a good time. You know, something else we wanted to say before we get started here, we're really starting to take the Whatnot app very seriously.

We really enjoy the app. We enjoy the platform in the community that we're kind of building on there. So if you have not done anything on the Whatnot app, go ahead and click that link that's in our description. Download the app and get ready. Because every Friday, including today, we go live from one to 03:00 p.m.

Eastern time on the Whatnot app. We do about 70 or so auctions. All of them started at a dollar. All of them last 60 seconds. And you know what?

When we get 40 people in the chat, we actually start auctioning slabs off for a dollar for 62nd auctions. And so that's a lot of fun. We love sharing the hobby in that way. And we also give away a bronze box. Every live stream that we do, every auction that you win get you an entry to win a free bronze box.

And we randomize that right there during the live stream. So it's a lot of fun if you haven't checked out what not yet, go ahead and click that link down below. Let's get it. Let's get it. We also eat our ebay game going very strong.

We've got over 200 cards on there for Buy It now, which is more than we normally have. And we've got a thousand options going right now. All started at a dollar. 99. You get free shipping if you're gonna be an October's Pack Plus program.

Very football heavy where football guys is football season. So if you're looking for some PC or investments, there's a lot on our auctions right now. And again, they all start at a dollar. 99. So I think as of right now, there's only a handful that I've even gotten bids.

So you got, like, 95% of our cards, if not more. Still right there at a dollar. 99. So go get in there, get you some PC steals, get you some investment deals. We love putting on our Ebay options as well.

Here's the calendar for October. You see Blitz nights coming up. It's always on the first Wednesday of every month. And then you see that due date of October 17. It's a little early for due dates, but we're ready to go.

Like I said, we're gonna be shipping boxes less than a month from today. See that October 27 date. We usually like to try to get things out a little early. I don't know if it's gonna happen for September, but we do definitely try to get things out a little early. And so less than a month from now, those gold boxes are gonna be on their way to you.

So get your October orders in quickly. Let's talk about the lineups for this month. Soccer going to have a gold feature of Prism APL. First off the line again, that's what we had as our gold feature last month. We felt like it was strong.

I felt like it was exciting. I love this first off the line stuff. It's always a good time with that. So we have prison. First off the line is going to be the goal feature.

We're going to have four boxes of Prison Hobby prison. I feel hobby, and then four boxes of Tops finest in there. A lot of people who enjoyed that product. There's gonna be some other good stuff sprinkled in there, but some pro tips for soccer. Last month there was only four subscriptions for soccer, only four subscriptions the rest or one time buys.

And at the end of every month, we randomized a free Rons box to somebody that has a subscription in each sport. So last month, those four guys all had a 25% chance of getting a free bronze box. Do yourself a favor. Start a gold subscription in our soccer program this month, we reach our goal. You're eligible to win a free gold box, and then you're eligible to win that free bronze box for having a soccer subscription.

So a lot of opportunities for free stuff in the soccer program. It's gonna be a good month for that. I'm excited that we have that in the program now. So we look at Baseball gold feature gonna be wicked awesome. Heads up.

Bowman Sterling is gonna be our gold feature for baseball. Now, in previous years, that's been too big for us to evening. Think about doing that. But this year it's gonna work out. Every gold box is gonna get a pack or a mini box.

I should say of Bowman Sterling, very excited about that. It comes out next week, I believe. And it's always a good product, high quality products. And we're excited to have it as a gold feature. We're also going to have this is not too.

When I check my math on this, like three times to make sure this was even possible, we're going to have six boxes of top five star. Six boxes of top five star are gonna be in this month's baseball program. As long as you know, we hit the numbers we need to hit and all the math works out. So that's a lot of five star going out there, and that's always a cool product too. So I mean, there's five or six people right there that are gonna be getting a gold box that comes with Bowman, Sterling and five star.

That sounds like a good time to me. Another pro tip for baseball. There's only 15 subscriptions in baseball last month. So start yourself a gold subscription for baseball. Guaranteed to get some bow and Sterling, we reach our goal.

You're going to be eligible to win a free gold box and that free bronze box, and your chances are pretty good to win that free bronze box. So baseball program is kind of still in that growth system. We're trying to grow it and blow it up. So make sure you're sharing this with any baseball collections. You know, we think it's one of the best ways to enjoy the hobby in terms of ripping packs and getting that value everybody wants to get because we look at basketball.

If you like Optic, this is your month. Optic Hobby is gonna be the gold feature for basketball. And then we're also gonna work in Optic fast break into the program. I'm not quite sure how much yet. That's kind of a to be determined factor there, but we're gonna do as well as we can to make the best program we can.

And it's gonna include Optic Fast break. So always excited about that. We're also going to include a box of Prism hobby. In fact, almost a quarter of our gold boxes are gonna be getting a pack of prison hobby if we hit the numbers that we're expecting to hit, so good chance of getting good stuff in basketball. It's Amello Ricky class, but you hit some of those LaMelo or anything.

Edward, just rookies out of Optic or Prism. You're sitting pretty. So this is gonna be a fun basketballs. We can't wait to see what you guys hit to make sure you're always tagging us on social medias and show us what you get because we love to see it as we look at football's program. You know, it's football season prices are insane.

We are the cheapest option if you're wanting to rip current your hobby products with NFL uniforms. When we look at the price point, I mean, legacy is at 275. Our goal box is staying right there. 255. The goal feature is gonna be certified.

It's got a 40% chance of a hit right there. A box of certified comes with ten packs. Four of them have hits. And so you've got a good chance of getting a hit right there. And then throughout the rest of program, and there's gonna be a strong chance.

We always include that Prism Hobby box that's going to be in there. Those things are up to $1,750 right now. We're gonna get twelve packs of that away. And when you're paying $25 a pack a little crazy, but real awesome. And we love to do it.

Love to see it. The rest of the program, honestly, is going to be kind of to be determined at this point right now with how insane some prices are, and with no new products really coming out soon, we're not really sure what's going to happen with different products over the next few weeks. So make sure you follow us on Instagram, because anytime we lock something down, we're going to post that. So you know, as much as you can know about our football program, but like I said, it's gonna be great.

I think we're going to have to put a cap on one time buys at 50.

So we're not going to sell more than 51 time boxes for football this month. So I'm not sure how long they're going to last. Like I said, it's cheaper than all the other options that you have right now. So go to brothers and cars. Com quickly start that Gold subscription.

Lock that in. That'd be good. Be good. You know, full transparency. When we look at the last couple of years for brothers and Cards, 2020 was insane.

It was an absolute explosion in the hobby, and it translated to an absolute explosion for us as well. It was fun to ride that wave. And, you know, we've done a lot of growth, and it's been an outstanding. 2021 has been a little bit more of a roller coaster. You know, we've had great months.

We've had rough months, and, you know, it's been a process, and we've always tried to stay transparent. You know, we're looking forward to a big month here in August, September, we thought was gonna be huge because, you know, football starting up and everything, and I didn't necessarily meet their expectation. But we think October will. So do us a favor. Share this video with a friend.

Tell somebody about the Pack Plus program. We all know somebody that likes to rip packs, get our name out there. We appreciate you getting to sign up for that Gold subscription. So then you have a chance to win a free gold box this month. It's gonna be a good time.

We appreciate you guys, pack plus fans. Always strong. God bless you.


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