Important Details about July's Pack Plus Program!
This news can't wait for the video...
Welcome to July!
It feels weird not saying that on camera...the video for July is coming...
However, there are several different factors that we need to lock in for an incredible program and those just aren't clear yet. We will make the normal Pack Plus Preview video when we have more information to work with.
Here's what we do know now:
1. Due Date will be July 31st. This is a one time change that is happening strictly because of The National. We have learned that it is extremely important that we stick with the routine of having Due Date on a Sunday. July 17th is too early and July 24th is a problem because we leave on the 26th for Atlantic City. While set up at The National with Indy Card Exchange, we will have the pleasure of introducing our program to hundreds of people for the first time. Being able to say "order now and we will ship next week!" will be a great closing point. The bigger the program gets, the better the program gets, and now more than ever, the program needs to get bigger!
2. Blitz will be a little different this month. Instead of giving away retail packs like we normally do, we are simply going to include a $10 gas gift card in every gold box purchase between now and Blitz Night (July 6th). We understand it will be a long haul between Blitz Night and when you get your box, but we do appreciate anyone willing to order early - that really helps us a lot!
3. The Gold and Core Features are set for Football.
Gold Feature: Optic Hobby
Core Feature: Contenders Hobby
We can also tell you that this month's football program will include a significant amount of hits. Nearly 20% of the packs in the random will have hits! This means that a Gold Box will have a pack of Optic Hobby, a pack of Contenders Hobby (27.8% chance of autograph), and a 133% chance of a hit within the other 7 random packs. Obviously, we cannot guarantee any hits because of the randomization, but I am very excited to see what everyone pulls from their football boxes this month.
4. 2021-22 Prizm Basketball will be included in July's program. We do not know how much, but we guarantee at least one hobby box will be included. What's crazy about the Basketball program right now is that we only sold 53 gold boxes last month. There will be at least 12 Prizm Hobby packs floating around in the program this month...your odds ain't bad!
By the end of next week, we will post our normal Pack Plus Preview video on our YouTube channel. See you then!
