2022-23 Revolution Case Break
More incentives added to the pot.
With the start of the new year came a couple ideas to help get more breaking customers flowing through the Facebook Group. First, we said that anyone that joins our breaks for the first time gets 10% off. We added to that - if anyone brings a friend to join our breaks for the first time, BOTH get 10% off. For tonight's break, we are adding one more incentive to new folks.

When products release, we will sometimes do a "Release Day Incentive" to be able to ensure we break on release night. That is the case here. IF we fill tonight, we will be adding a box of 2022-23 Hobby Donruss Basketball to the break!
As one final incentive, any customer that join's our breaks for the first time tonight will also get one of these Monopoly NBA Prizm packs!
